Ecouter des podcast en français pour améliorer votre compréhension orale
Salut les amis ! J'espère que vous allez bien ! Aujourd'hui je voudrais vous conseiller…
Je vous explique les expressions familières de la série dix pour cent (call my agent)
Salut les amis !! Vous avez essayé de regarder la série dix pour cent en…
Watch French movies to improve your French
Watching French movies is a great way to get used to the "music of the…
Listen to the French radio to work on your listening skills
Many of my students ask me how they can improve their listening skills. Some of…
Read French books to learn French!
Here are a few book recommendations categorized by level to help you start working on…
Listen to French songs to learn French!
Having fun is key in learning a language! A great way to work on your…
Read French blogs to learn French
As I always say, having fun is key to learn a language. The more fun…
Watch French YouTube channels to learn French
YouTube is such a rich source of material to learn French! Find some French Youtubers…
Video – French expressions they don’t teach you in French class Part 2
Bonjour les amis ! Here are more funny French expressions they don't teach you in…
Video – French expressions they don’t teach you in French class Part 1
Bonjour les amis ! Today let's learn a few French expressions they don't teach you…
Video – how to learn French fast
Bonjour les amis ! We are back today with a new video with the lovely…
Video – Most difficult French words to pronounce!
Hi there! We are back today with a video shot with Rosie from the Not…
Test your French! Let’s see what grade you get at this quiz!
Hi there! We are back today with a quiz for you to test your French!…
10 funny French expressions with fruit and vegetables
We might have an obsession with food in France.... it clearly shows in our funny…
5 tips to organize your visit to the Louvre museum
You are planning a trip to Paris soon and are definitely considering paying a visit…